USFS Cabins
USFS Cabins
Welcome to Southeast Alaska
The Tongass National Forest at 16.8 million acres, is the largest national forest in the United States and the largest remaining temperate rainforest in the world. Nearly 500 miles long with 11,000 miles of coastline, it is as much a seascape as a landscape: a world of islands, waterways and tide-washed beaches along which marine and terrestrial life overlap.
The Tongass covers most of Southeast Alaska surrounding the famous Inside Passage and offers unique chances to view eagles, bears, spawning salmon, and the breath-taking vistas of “wild” Alaska. Hike boardwalk trails, fish in streams or the ocean, and relax at a remote cabin.
The country’s largest national forest is a place to enjoy and share with friends and family; the quiet of undeveloped, and pristine places.
Check the weather before you go, but be prepared for change. A satellite phone is great to keep Ward Air informed about weather conditions at your location. The Tongass is a temperate rainforest, with rain and cool temperatures likely most of the year. Summer temperatures average in the 50’s and 60’s. Be prepared with proper clothing and shelter. Non-cotton clothing worn in layers is best for wet conditions.
If your trip involves travel on the ocean, knowledge of Alaska’s tides is important. The tides in Alaska have wide ranges. There can be as much as a 20 foot difference between the high and low tides. Be aware of this when choosing a beach campsite, and look to camp above the high water mark. The large tides can also create powerful currents, especially in narrower stretches of water. A tide table is an essential tool for planning a water-based trip.
Whatever cabin you choose Ward Air can get you there! Enjoy nature in your very own public use Forest Service cabin. Most cabins in Southeast are accessible only by float plane. Ward Air will make sure you get there and back comfortably and safely.
For your convenience we have freezer, cooler and dry storage space for you to use while you prepare for your trip. Reserve your cabin at the USFS Cabin website. When choosing a cabin read the description of the cabin you choose carefully as each cabin has different capacities, equipment, and scenery. Be aware of how quickly the weather can change at these locations. Remember to bring extra supplies just in case the weather turns sour and you may have to stay an extra night or two.